SHOPEE Coupons

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Shopee is the leading e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia and Taiwan.

Launched in 2015, it is a platform tailored for the region, providing customers with an easy, secure and fast online shopping experience through strong payment and fulfillment support.

We believe online shopping should be accessible, easy and enjoyable. This is the vision Shopee aspires to deliver on the platform, every single day.

Our Purpose

We believe in the transformative power of technology and want to change the world for the better by providing a platform to connect buyers and sellers within one community.

Our Positioning

To Internet users across the region, Shopee offers a one-stop online shopping experience that provides a wide selection of products, a social community for exploration, and seamless fulfilment services.

Our Personality

To define who we are - how we talk, behave or react to any given situation - in essence, we are Simple, Happy and Together. These key attributes are visible at every step of the Shopee journey


April 2024 - Shopee is the leading e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia and Taiwan. Launched in 2015, it is a platform tailored for the region, providing customers with an easy, secure and fast online shopping experience through strong payment and fulfillment support. We believe online shopping should be accessible, easy and enjoyable. This is the vision Shopee aspires to deliver on the platform, every single day. Our Purpose We believe in the transformative power of technology and want to change the world for the better by providing a platform to connect buyers and sellers within one community. Our Positioning To Internet users across the region, Shopee offers a one-stop online shopping experience that provides a wide selection of products, a social community for exploration, and seamless fulfilment services. Our Personality To define who we are - how we talk, behave or react to any given situation - in essence, we are Simple, Happy and Together. These key attributes are visible at every step of the Shopee journey