A new blood group discovered, one of the rarest blood types

Aug 01, 2022

A new blood group other than ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘O’, and ‘AB’ was found in Gujarat India. It’s the also rarest blood type in the world too. A 65 year old man from Gujarat who is a heart patient was identified with this blood group called the EMM Negative


EMM has been designated the 42nd blood group system. Rare individuals have an EMM- phenotype due to homozygous loss-of-function mutations in the PIGG gene. These individuals often have naturally occurring anti-EMM antibodies that are identified during routine blood type and crossing.

As EMM level is low in blood, the International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) named it EMM negative. The blood group has been given symbol ISBTO42. People with EMM negative blood group can't donate blood to anyone. They neither can accept blood from anyone. So far there are only 9 people in the world with such rarest blood group.

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